Implementation Steps
To implement the SDK’s In Path flow within your app, please use the following steps:
Initialise the SDK
Initialise the SDK by calling the init method in the CartrawlerSDK class as follow:
val partnerImplementationID = "your-implementation-id-here"
val environment = CTSdkEnvironment.DEVELOPMENT // CTSdkEnvironment.PRODUCTION
CartrawlerSDK.init(partnerImplementationID, environment)
The implementationID
is needed by the SDK to fetch partner specific configuration. It’s recommended to call CartrawlerSDK.init in your application class.
Don’t forget to use CTSdkEnvironment.PRODUCTION
when submitting your app to the Play Store.
Initialise CTSdkData
// CTSdkPassenger is optional
val optionalPassenger = CTSdkPassenger(
firstName = "John",
lastName = "Smith",
email = "",
phoneCountryCode = "353",
phoneNumber = "81234567",
address = "Dundrum Business Park",
city = "Dublin",
postcode = "D14 R7V2",
country = "IE",
flightNumber = "EZY130",
age = "26", //Default age is 30
membershipId = "123456"
val sdkDataClientIdXYZ = CTSdkData.Builder(clientId = clientId)
.country(twoLetterISOCountry = "IE")
.currency(currency = "EUR")
.logging(isLogEnabled = true) // disable/remove this when publishing to Play Store
.pickupDateTime(LocalDateTime.of(2023, 5, 10, 10, 0))
.dropOffDateTime(LocalDateTime.of(2023, 5, 15, 10, 0))
.passenger(optionalPassenger) // you can omit this, it's optional
// check Property Descriptions link down below to see all available properties
Optional properties
builder also has some optional properties that can be passed in during initialisation to use and/or display certain features, you can check Property Descriptions section for all properties available.
Starting the flow
activity = this,
ctSdkData =,
flow = CTSdkFlow.InPath()
In Path Navigation types
InPath flow accepts a parameter
of typeCTInPathNavigation
. If you’re using Kotlin you can omit it since its default value isCTInPathNavigation.CTNavigateToAvailability
.The following types are allowed:
Start with a vehicle pinned to the top of the list
A vehicle can be pinned to the top of the list by passing a vehicle reference ID. To get a vehicle reference ID, you can use our Vehicles API
val sdkDataClientIdXYZ = CTSdkData.Builder(clientId = clientId)
.country(twoLetterISOCountry = "IE")
.currency(currency = "EUR")
.pickupDateTime(LocalDateTime.of(2023, 5, 10, 10, 0))
.dropOffDateTime(LocalDateTime.of(2023, 5, 15, 10, 0))
activity = this,
ctSdkData =,
flow = CTSdkFlow.InPath(navigateTo =
vehicleRefId = "vehicle_ref_id_here"
Retrieval of objects from the In Path Process
If a user selected a car during the In Path process, the onActivityForResult
will be fired. Objects can be retrieved at this point, namely the payload, the fees object and the vehicle details object
These objects are accessed via the return intent by onActivityForResult
override fun onActivityForResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
if (requestCode == YOUR_REQUEST_CODE_HERE) {
get json or objects returned by the SDK to your activity
getStringExtra(CartrawlerSDK.PAYLOAD) // Returns a JSON String
getParcelableExtra(CartrawlerSDK.VEHICLE_DETAILS) // Returns a VehicleDetails Object
getSerializableExtra(CartrawlerSDK.FEES) // Returns a Payment Object
getParcelableExtra(CartrawlerSDK.TRIP_DETAILS) // Returns a Trip Object with extras included
The JSON payload object is returned so that the partner can process the payment/reservation with a CarTrawler payment end point at a different time and put it in the partners basket flow. This JSON payload object is passed to this endpoint.
data class TripDetails(
val pickUpDateTime: String? = null,
val returnDateTime: String? = null,
val pickupLocation: LocationDetails? = null,
val returnLocation: LocationDetails? = null,
val vehicleCharges: List<VehicleCharge>, // The list of Vehicle Charges
val extras: List<Extra>, // The list of extras
val isPrePaidExtra: Boolean? = null //Determines if the extra requires payment
val loyalty: Loyalty? = null
data class Extra (
var amount: Double? = null,
var currencyCode: String? = null,
var name: String? = null,
var description: String? = null,
var type: String? = null, // the CT Code we use
var selected: Int? = null, // the number of selected extras or qty
var includedInRate: Boolean? = null // Is this an extra selected by the user or already part of rate
class VehicleCharge (
var chargeDescription: String? = null, // The localized description
var taxInclusive: String? = null, // Is tax included?
var includedInRate: String? = null, // In this In Path payload use case this is always 'true'
var purpose: String? = null, // Internal Purpose code
var calculation: String? = null, // Reserved as "BeforePickup"
var amount: Double? = null, // The amount of charge
var currencyCode: String? = null // The currencyCode of the charge
class Loyalty(
val programID: String? = null,
val points: Int? = 0
The total amount to be authorized against the customers credit card, is the authTotal attribute above. This is calculated by CarTrawler using pay now, insurance, and booking fee amounts when applicable.
Notes on other attributes:
- If insurance is selected,
will be non-zero. - The
will be non-null wheninsuranceAmount
is non-zero. - The
is the title of the insurance.
- If the user has selected extras, the total amount of extra fees will set in
Some extras are free. We expose a free extra with the IncludedInRate
set to true. Here is an example of a free additional driver:
data class Extra (
var amount: Double? = 20.00,
var currencyCode: String? = "EUR",
var name: String? = "Additional Driver",
var description: String? = "Additional Driver",
var type: String? = "101.EQP",
var selected: Int? = 1,
var includedInRate: Boolean? = true
To display this as a free additional driver in your UI, you can simply check that includedInRate
is true.
is the total amount for only the car element (excludes extras, booking fee and insurance)bookingFeeAmount
is a CarTrawler fee which is separate to thepayNowAmount
.- The authTotal is calculated by the CarTrawler system by adding the
(if present) andinsuranceFee
(if present).