Link Search Menu Expand Document


The unique selling points on the landing page have certain elements that can be customised.

Table of Contents
  1. Set Up

Set Up

Override the following properties in your SDK theme

<style name="CarTrawlerSDKTheme" parent="CTDayNightTheme" >
     <item name="ctUSPLogoUrl"></item>

For every logo url you can provide a local drawable instead of a remote url. All you need is to use the following attributes:

<style name="CarTrawlerSDKTheme" parent="CTDayNightTheme" >
    <item name="ctUSPLogoDrawable">@drawable/my_logo_usp</item>

If you provide both a drawable and an url the drawable takes priority, so your url will never be used.
If you don’t provide any attributes for the logo, the component that shows the logo will be hidden (View.GONE)