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Booking Reservations

Car rental booking reservations can be fetched using the requestReservationDetails function.

Calling the requestReservationDetails function will trigger a vehicles request based on a resID and email (hashed) or resUid. This will return a CTReservationDetails object, or an error if the reservation does not exist.

import CarTrawlerSDK
// This will trigger a booking reservation fetch.
// The SDK must be initialised, and a CTAPIQueryParams object with the necessary parameters 
// must be set before calling this method.

let params = CTAPIQueryParams()  
params.delegate = self
params.clientID = "your clientID"
params.languageCode = "EN" // The language associated with the device’s system region is used by default.
params.resId = "IE3453453"
params.resUid = "12424345446466464"

CarTrawlerSDK.sharedInstance.requestReservationDetails(params { (reservation, error) in
    if let reservation = reservation {
        // reservation fetched successfully
    } else if let error = error {
        // error occured

CTReservationDetails objects are also returned upon successful completion of the Standalone flow:

didReceive(_ reservationDetails: CTReservationDetails)