The Vehicles API is responsible for returning a wrapper response object of the list of vehicles returned from our backend.
Table of Contents
Request Vehicles
We expose a method to retrieve the vehicle list based on a sort type and limit you specify.
Calling the requestVehicles
function will trigger a vehicles request based on the provided IATA or PickupLocationCode, as well as the pick-up and drop-off dates.
import CarTrawlerSDK
// This will trigger a new vehicles fetch, and the subsequent delegate callbacks
// The SDK must be initialised, and a CTAPIQueryParams object with the necessary parameters must be set before callingthis method
let params = CTAPIQueryParams()
params.delegate = self
params.clientID = "your clientID"
params.countryCode = "IE" // The country code associated with the device’s system region is used by default.
params.currencyCode = "EUR" // The currency associated with the device’s system region is used by default.
params.languageCode = "EN" // The language associated with the device’s system region is used by default.
params.iataCode = "DUB" // use IATACode for Objective-C
params.iataCodeDropoff = "DUB" // use IATACodeDropoff for Objective-C
params.pickupDate = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 86400) // next day
params.dropOffDate = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 86400 * 3) // next day + 3 days
params.numberOfVehicles = 20 // Default 0, it will return all vehicles
params.sortType = .recommended // .recommended (Default) or .bestPrice
The number of vehicles returned can be limited by setting the numberOfVehicles
The sort type can be either:
, which returns the cheapest cars in the list
or .recommended
, which returns the CarTrawler recommended cars.
Delegate Functions
A list of vehicle objects (CTVehicleDetails
) will be returned in the CarTrawlerSDKDelegate
function didReceiveVehicles
. If an error occurs, this will be returned via the didFailToReceiveVehicles
// Called when best daily rate received
func didReceiveVehicles(_ vehicles: [CTVehicleDetails]) {
// Called when best daily rate fails
func didFailToReceiveVehicles(error: Error) {
Vehicle Details class
class CTVehicleDetails: NSObject {
let referenceId: String // vehicle reference ID
let name: String // vehicle name
let orSimilar: String // localised "or similar" text
let code: String // vehicle code
let vehicleAssetNumber: String // vehicle asset number
let pictureURL: URL // vehicle image url
let passengerQuantity: Int // vehicle number of passengers
let doorCount: Int // vehicle number of doors
let baggageQuantity: Int // vehicle number of bags
let fuelType: String // vehicle fuel type
let driveType: String // vehicle drive type
let airConditionInd: Bool // vehicle is airconditioning included
let transmissionType: String // vehicle transmission type
let size: String // ota size number
let supplier: String // vehicle supplier name
let supplierRating: NSNumber // vehicle supplier rating
let supplierImageURL: URL // vehicle supplier logo
let passengersText: String // localised "passengers" text
let baggageText: String // localised "baggage" text
let doorsCountText: String // localised "doors" text
let transmissionText: String // localised "transmission" text
let sizeText: String // localised "size" text
let categortyText: String // localised category
let price: NSNumber // vehicle price
let pricePerDay: NSNumber // vehicle price per day
let currencyCode: String // vehicle price currency code
let ctCashDetails: CTCashDetails // CTCashDetails object
let specialOffers: [CTSpecialOfferDetails] // array of CTSpecialOfferDetails objects
CTCashDetails class
class CTCashDetails: NSObject {
let offerTitle: String // title of the special offer, displayed on the carblock chip on the vehicle list
let originalPrice: NSNumber // The original price of the vehicle
let discountedPrice: NSNumber // The discounted price of the vehicle
let discountAmount: NSNumber // The discount amount
let discountPercentage: String // The percentage discount
CTSpecialOfferDetails class
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, CTOfferType) {
class CTSpecialOfferDetails: NSObject {
let type: CTOfferType // CTOfferTypeMonetary or CTOfferTypePercentage
let shortText: String?
let text: String?
let discountAmount: NSNumber?
let discountedPrice: NSNumber?
let value: NSNumber?
let originalPrice: NSNumber? // original price, usually displayed with a strikethrough on the car block chip on the vehicle list