Implementation Steps
The SDK must be initialised in your AppDelegate
To implement the SDK’s In Path flow within your app, please use the following steps:
Optional Extras
Initialise the SDK in your App Delegate
Note that the production
parameter must be set to true when submitting your app to the AppStore.
// In application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:)
CarTrawlerSDK.sharedInstance().initialiseSDK(with: nil,
customParameters: nil,
production: false)
The production parameter must be set to true when submitting your app to the AppStore.
: An optional CTStyle object, used to set the fonts as well as the primary, secondary, and accent colors in the SDK. Please ensure any custom fonts used are included in your main bundle.
: A dictionary of parameters, custom to a particular partner, see below for options.
- orderID: A String value that represents the Order ID for a Flight PNR or Booking Reference, example: IE1234 (limited to 32 characters)
- flightNumberRequired: A boolean key to enable Flight Number as a required field in the Payment Form. Default: 0 (optional field)
For a full list of property descriptions, please click here
Initialise the CTContext Object with the Required Parameters
This can be done in the view controller the SDK will be presented from.
The implementationID
is needed by the SDK to fetch partner specific configuration.
import CarTrawlerSDK
// Create a context for in Path flow
let context = CTContext(implementationID: "your implementation ID",
clientID: "your client ID",
flow: .inPath)
context.countryCode = "IE" // The country code associated with the device’s system region is used by default.
context.currencyCode = "EUR" // The currency associated with the device’s system region is used by default.
context.languageCode = "EN" // The language associated with the device’s system region is used by default.
context.pickupLocation = "DUB"
context.pickupDate = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 86400)
context.flightNumber = "FL1234"
context.delegate = self
The above properties are required, and the countryCode
property refers to the country of residency. This is used to make search requests.
Object Description:
class CTContext: NSObject {
let implementationID: String
let clientID: String
let flowType: CTFlowType
let countryCode: String
let currencyCode: String
let pickupDate: Date
let dropOffDate: Date
let pickupLocation: String
let dropOffLocation: String
let flightNumber: String
let pickupLocationID: String
let dropOffLocationID: String
let pinnedVehicleID: String
let passengers: [CTPassenger]
let loyaltyRegex: String
let customCashTreatment: Bool
let promotionCode: String
let recentSearch: CTRecentSearch
let supplierBenefitAutoApplied: Bool
let clientUserIdentifier: String
Click here for an in depth explanation of CTContext’s properties.
Set the In Path context on the SDK, to trigger the Initial Request
// This will automatically trigger a bestDailyRate request
Adding Flight Information
For enhanced reporting partners can optionally add flight data when initialising the SDK. Each of these parameters is optional and user functionality will not be impacted whether they are added or not.
A new CTFlightDetails object is added with the following parameters.
Parameter | Description | Example | Type |
age | Customer age | 29 | Integer |
bags | Total number of bags. Both Cabin and Hold should be included | 3 | Integer |
basketAmount | Total basket amount including bags, seats, etc. | 130.99 | Float |
campaignID | Unique identifier associated with a specific marketing campaign. | Google-EN-Destination-France | String |
context | Where in the flow the SDK is loaded | Confirmation Screen | String |
fareClass | Type of fare | Economy | String |
flightFare | Price of flight(s) only | 101.99 | Float |
loyaltyNumber | Customer loyalty number | 123222121 | String |
loyaltyTier | Customer loyalty tier | Platinum | String |
marketingPreference | Flag to indicate if the current user has opted in for third-party marketing i.e car rental | true | Boolean |
marketingSegment | The customers segment as determined by the airline marketing team. | Weekend Breaker | String |
membershipID | Only required if different from loyaltyNumber. This value represents the logged in users unique identifier. | 789 | String |
passengerBreakdown | Breakdown of Adults, Teens, Children and Infants | CTFlightPassengerBreakdown(adults: 2, teens: 0, children: 0, infants: 0) | CT Object |
pnr | Flight PNR | CT123456 | String |
sessionID | Current user session identifier | 0idfw78jsnkoo | String |
sportsEquipment | Total number of sports equipment items a customer is travelling with | 1 | Integer |
sportsEquipmentBreakdown | A breakdown of the individual equipment a customer is travelling with | [“golf”: (1), “ski”: (1), “surf”: (1)] | Dictionary |
tripDuration | Total length of trip in days | 4 | Integer |
tripType | An identification of whether the trip type is business, leisure or other | Business | String |
//Example CTFLightDetails initialisation
let flightDetails = CTFlightDetails()
flightDetails.age = 32
flightDetails.bags = 2
flightDetails.basketAmount = 130.99
flightDetails.campaignID = "Google-EN-Destination-France"
flightDetails.context = "confirmation"
flightDetails.fareClass = "regular"
flightDetails.flightFare = 101.99
flightDetails.loyaltyNumber = "WZ123456789"
flightDetails.loyaltyTier = "platinum"
flightDetails.marketingPreference = true
flightDetails.marketingSegment = "Budget Conscious"
flightDetails.membershipID = "123222121"
flightDetails.passengerBreakdown = CTFlightPassengerBreakdown(adults: 2, teens: 0, children: 0, infants: 0)
flightDetails.pnr = "TEYI89"
flightDetails.sessionID = "0idfw78jsnkoo"
flightDetails.sportsEquipment = 2
flightDetails.sportsEquipmentBreakdown = ["golf": (1), "ski": (1), "surf": (1)]
flightDetails.tripDuration = 4
flightDetails.tripType = "business"
//Use CTFLightDetails as part of the context
let context = CTContext(implementationID: "your implementation ID",
clientID: "your client ID",
flow: .inPath)
context.flightDetails = flightDetails
Adding UTM tracking data
For enhanced reporting partners can optionally add tracking data in the form of UTM parameters. The meaning and usage of these parameters are as standard.
A new CTUTMParameters object is added with the following parameters.
//Example CTUTMParameters initialisation
let utmParameters = CTUTMParameters()
utmParameters.source = "partner_utm_source"
utmParameters.medium = "partner_utm_medium"
utmParameters.campaign = "partner_utm_campaign"
utmParameters.term = "partner_utm_term"
utmParameters.content = "partner_utm_content"
context.utmParameters = utmParameters
Present the SDK
After initialisation and setup of your CTContext
object for In Path, you must use the following presentation method:
let viewController = UIViewController() // Your view controller from which the SDK will be presented.
self.carTrawlerSDK.presentInPath(from: viewController)
Collect the booking data after flow completion
After a user has gone through the entire In Path flow and selected a vehicle, the SDK will use a delegate callback to send all of the booking data:
CarTrawler SDK Delegate:
// Required. Called when the user wants to add an In Path booking to their flight booking.
func didProduce(inPathPaymentRequest request: [AnyHashable : Any], vehicle: CTInPathVehicle, payment: Payment) {
print("Total \(vehicle.totalCost)")
print("Insurance \(vehicle.insuranceCost)")
print("Vehicle Name \(vehicle.vehicleName)")
print("Vehicle First Name \(vehicle.firstName)")
print("Vehicle LastName \(vehicle.lastName)")
print("*** PAYNOW: \(vehicle.payNowPrice)\n" ,
"*** PAYLATER: \(vehicle.payLaterPrice)\n" ,
"*** PAYDESK: \(vehicle.payAtDeskPrice)\n" ,
"*** BOOKINGFEE: \(vehicle.bookingFeePrice)\n")
print("*** Payment ***")
print("authTotal: \(payment.authTotal)")
print("authCurrency: \(payment.authCurrency)")
// Called when the best daily rate is received, the setContext: method will trigger this request automatically
func didReceiveBestDailyRate(_ price: NSNumber, currency: String) {
// Called when the best daily rate request fails
func didFailToReceiveBestDailyRate(error: Error) {
In Path Vehicle Object:
class CTInPathVehicle: NSObject {
let firstName: String // First name
let lastName: String // Last name
let vehicleName: String // Vehicle name
let vehicleOrSimilar: String // localized "or similar" text
let vendorName: String // Vendor name
let vehicleImageURL: URL // vehicle image url
let vendorImageURL: URL // vendorImageURL
let pickUpLocationName: String // pick-up location name
let dropOffLocationName: String // drop-off location name
let pickupDate: Date // pick-up date
let dropoffDate: Date // drop-off date
let extrasIncludedForFree: Array // Array of included extras
let extrasPayableAtDesk: Array // Array of extras payable at desk
let extrasPayableNow: Array // Array of extras payable now
let isBuyingInsurance: Bool // is buying insurance
let insuranceCost: Number // Insurance cost
let vehicleCharges: Array // Array of Vehicle Charges
let loyalty: CTLoyalty? // User loyalty info
class CTExtraEquipment: NSObject {
let qty: Integer // Quantity of the extra
let isIncludedInRate: Bool // If the extra is included
let isTaxInclusive: Bool // If extra is tax inclusive
let isGuaranteedInd: Bool // If extra is pre paid
let chargeAmount: Number // Cost of extra
let currencyCode: String // Currency code of extra
let equipType: String // Raw extra type code
let equipmentType: CTExtraEquipmentType // Extra type
let name: String // Name of extra
let equipDescription: String // Description of extra
class CTVehicleCharge: NSObject {
let chargeDescription: String // The localized description
let isIncludedInRate: Bool // If the charge is included (this case always true)
let isTaxInclusive: Bool // If charge is tax inclusive
let amount: Number // Cost of charge
let currencyCode: String // Currency code of charge
let purpose: String // Purpose code of the charge
let calculation: CTVehicleChargeCalculation // .beforePickup
class CTLoyalty: NSObject {
let programName: String // Loyalty program name
let points: Number // Loyalty points earned
Prepopulate Driver Details:
The Driver Details screen can by prepopulated by creating a CTPassenger
object and setting the passengers
property on your CTContext
//Passenger object
let passenger = CTPassenger(firstName: "Ryan",
lastName: "O'Connor",
addressLine1: "DunDrum",
addressLine2: "Dublin 14",
city: "Dublin",
postcode: "Dublin 14",
countryCode: "IE",
age: 25,
email: "",
phone: "0838880000",
phoneCountryPrefix: "353",
loyaltyProgramNumber: "1234")
context.passengers = [passenger]
Note: CTPassenger
takes priority over CTContext
’s countryCode
property when we make search requests.