Table of Contents
By default, the colour for text and icons on colour backgrounds are white. If your brand colours are a bright colour (high luminosity), it’s recommended you change to a dark text theme for legibility of text and colours.

If you do not wish to set the four optional properties manually, the CarTrawler SDK will create the colours for you (Note: this is currently only an iOS feature within the SDK)
Creating a CTStyle
Theming is achieved by creating a CTStyle
object and initialising the SDK with it.
has the following properties:
- [Required]
- [Required]
let style = CTStyle(theme: .dark, // .dark or .light
primaryColor: UIColor.gray)
style.primaryLightColor = UIColor.lightGray // Optional, default light generated based on primary color
style.primaryDarkColor = UIColor.darkGray // Optional, default dark generated based on primary color
style.ctaColor = // Optional, default iOS blue RGB(0,122,255)
style.ctaFontColor = UIColor.white // Optional, default white or dark based on theme
style.secondaryCtaColor = // Optional, default primary color
style.secondaryCtaFontColor = UIColor.white // Optional, default white or dark based on theme
Setting a Custom Font
style.regularFont = UIFont(name: "myCustomFont", size: 14)!
style.boldFont = UIFont(name: "myCustomFont", size: 14)!
style.italicFont = UIFont(name: "myCustomFont", size: 14)!
Please ensure any custom fonts used are included in your main bundle.
Setting an Image as the Landing Page Navigation Title
The Car Hire title in the Navigation Bar on the landing page can be replaced with an image. The recommended height for this image is 44px.
To make use of this feature, please set the landingTopBarImage
and landingTopBarImageDark
properties on your CTStyle object:
style.landingTopBarImage = UIImage(named: "the_logo_for_the_tool_action_bar") // Optional. A text title will be used if this is not set.
style.landingTopBarImageDark = UIImage(named: "the_logo_for_the_tool_action_bar_dark") // Optional, will default to landingTopBarImage if not set
SDK Initialisation
After CTStyle is configured, it must be passed into the SDK during initialisation in your AppDelegate:
// In application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:)
CarTrawlerSDK.sharedInstance().initialiseSDK(with: style,
customParameters: nil,
production: false)