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The Vehicles API is responsible for returning a wrapper response object of the list of vehicles returned from our backend.

We expose a method on the builder to retrieve the vehicle list based on a sort type and limit you specify.

Calling CartrawlerSDK.requestVehicles method will trigger a vehicles request, the following parameters should be provided to the function:

  • Context
  • CTAvailabilityRequestData
  • Limit (integer)
  • CTVehiclesListener

A CTVehiclesListener is passed into the CartrawlerSDK.requestVehicles method and the SDK will call the required methods once the relevant events have occurred.

val requestData = CTAvailabilityRequestData(
    clientId = "<your_client_id>",
    country = Locale.getDefault().country,
    currency = Currency.getInstance(Locale.getDefault()).currencyCode,
    iataCode = "DUB",
    pickupDateTime = LocalDateTime.of(2023, 5, 10, 10, 0),
    dropOffDateTime = LocalDateTime.of(2023, 5, 15, 10, 0),
    ctSdkEnvironment = CTSdkEnvironment.DEVELOPMENT, // or CTSdkEnvironment.PRODUCTION
    logging = false // true if you want to log the errors in logcat

    context = this,
    paramsData = requestData,
    numberOfVehicles = 5,
    sortType = CTVehicleAPISort.BEST_PRICE,
    listener = object : CTVehiclesListener { 
        override fun onNoResults() {
            /* do what you need here */

        override fun onError(connectionError: CartrawlerSDK.ConnectionError) {
            /* do what you need here */

        override fun onReceiveVehiclesDetails(vehicleDetails: List<VehicleDetails>) {
            /* do what you need here */

The number of vehicles returned can be limited by setting the numberOfVehicles parameter.

The sort type can be either:
CTVehicleAPISort.BEST_PRICE - returns the cheapest cars in the list
CTVehicleAPISort.RECOMMENDED - returns the CarTrawler recommended cars.

VehicleDetails Class

data class VehicleDetails(
    val referenceId: String,
    val name: String,
    val orSimilar: String,
    val code: String,
    val vehicleAssetNumber: String,
    val pictureURL: String,
    val passengerQuantity: Int,
    val doorCount: Int?,
    val baggageQuantity: Int,
    val fuelType: String,
    val driveType: String,
    val airConditionInd: Boolean,
    val transmissionType: String,
    val size: String,

    val supplier: String,
    val supplierRating: Double,
    val supplierImageURL: String,

    //Widget localization values
    val passengersText: String,
    val baggageText: String?,
    val doorsCountText: String,
    val transmissionText: String,
    val categoryText: String,
    val sizeText: String,

    val price: Double,
    val pricePerDay: Double,
    val currencyCode: String,

    val ctCashDetails: CTCashDetails? = null,
    val ctSpecialOffers: List<CTSpecialOffer> = emptyList()

CTCash Details class

data class CTCashDetails(
    val offerTitle: String, // title of the special offer, displayed on the car block chip on the vehicle list
    val originalPrice: Double, // original price, usually displayed with a strikethrough on the car block chip on the vehicle list
    val discountedPrice: Double, 
    val discountAmount: Double, 
    val discountPercentage: Double
) : Parcelable

CTSpecialOffer Details class

enum class CTOfferType {

data class CTSpecialOffer(
    val offerType: CTOfferType, // CTOfferType.PERCENTAGE_DISCOUNT or CTOfferType.MONETARY_DISCOUNT
    val offerShortText: String,
    val offerText: String,
    val originalPrice: Double, // original price, usually displayed with a strikethrough on the car block chip on the vehicle list
    val discountAmount: Double,
    val discountedPrice: Double,
    val offerValue: Double? = null