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Best Daily Rates

The requestBestDailyRate function can be called to receive the cheapest vehicle’s price for a given location based on the pick-up and drop-off dates.

Request Best Daily Rates

The SDK must be initialised, and a CTAPIQueryParams object with the necessary parameters must be set before calling this method.

import CarTrawlerSDK

let params = CTAPIQueryParams()  
params.delegate = self
params.clientID = "your clientID"
params.countryCode = "IE" // The country code associated with the device’s system region is used by default.
params.currencyCode = "EUR" // The currency associated with the device’s system region is used by default.
params.languageCode = "EN" // The language associated with the device’s system region is used by default.
params.iataCode = "DUB" // use IATACode for Objective-C
params.iataCodeDropoff = "DUB" // use IATACodeDropoff for Objective-C
params.pickupDate = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 86400) // next day
params.dropOffDate = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 86400 * 3) // next day + 3 days

Receive Best Daily Rates

The best daily rate (price and currency) will be returned in the CarTrawlerSDKDelegate function didReceiveBestDailyRate.

// Called when best daily rate received
func didReceiveBestDailyRate(_ price: NSNumber, currency: String) {

// Called when best daily rate fails
func didFailToReceiveBestDailyRate(error: Error) {