Reservation Retrieval from Standalone
When a vehicle is booked using the Standalone flow, the reservation object will be accessible via the delegate method didReceive(reservationDetails:)
Sample implementation of the CarTrawlerSDKDelegate
method called after a user booked a vehicle:
import CarTrawlerSDK
class MyViewController: UIViewController, CarTrawlerSDKDelegate {
func viewDidLoad() {
func launchStandalone() {
let context = CTContext(implementationID: "your implementation ID",
clientID: "your client ID",
flow: .standAlone)
context.countryCode = "IE"
context.currencyCode = "EUR"
context.languageCode = "EN"
context.delgate = self;
self.carTrawlerSDK?.present(from: self, context: context)
func didReceive(_ reservationDetails: CTReservationDetails) {
// Reservation object
description objects:
class CTReservationDetails: NSObject {
let clientID: String // The clientID the SDK was initialised with
let status: String // In this scenario it will be confirmed
let customerGivenName: String // first name
let customerSurname: String // Surname
let resId: String // Reservation ID
let resUid: String // Hashed customer email
let pickUpDateTime: Date // The date & time of pick-up
let returnDateTime: Date // The date & time of pick-up
let pickUpLocation: CTLocationDetails // Location details of pick-up
let returnLocation: CTLocationDetails // Location details of pick-up
let insurance: CTInsuranceDetails? // Insurance, null if none attached
let rentalInfo: RentalInfo? // Information on reservation costs
let vehicleDetails: CTVehicleDetails // Information on booked vehicle
let loyalty: CTLoyalty? // Loyalty program
let supplierBenefits: [CTSupplierBenefitDetails]? // Supplier benefit codes applied
class CTVehicleDetails: NSObject {
let referenceId: String // vehicle reference ID
let name: String // vehicle name
let orSimilar: String // localised "or similar" text
let code: String // vehicle code
let vehicleAssetNumber: String // vehicle asset number
let pictureURL: URL // vehicle image url
let passengerQuantity: Int // vehicle number of passengers
let doorCount: Int // vehicle number of doors
let baggageQuantity: Int // vehicle number of bags
let fuelType: String // vehicle fuel type
let driveType: String // vehicle drive type
let airConditionInd: Bool // vehicle is air conditioning included
let transmissionType: String // vehicle transmission type
let size: String // ota size number
let supplier: String // vehicle supplier name
let supplierRating: NSNumber // vehicle supplier rating
let supplierImageURL: URL // vehicle supplier logo
let passengersText: String // localised "passengers" text
let baggageText: String // localised "baggage" text
let doorsCountText: String // localised "doors" text
let transmissionText: String // localised "transmission" text
let sizeText: String // localised "size" text
let categoryText: String // localised category
let price: NSNumber // vehicle price
let pricePerDay: NSNumber // vehicle price per day
let currencyCode: String // vehicle price currency code
class CTLocationDetails: NSObject (
let atAirport: Bool // Location at Airport? (boolean)
let iataCode: String // IATA Code (if airport)
let code: Int // Unique Location Code (code type is internal to CarTrawler)
let name: String // Text description of location
let address: CTAddress // Postal address of location
let phoneNumber: String // Vendor contact number
class CTInsuranceDetails: NSObject (
let upSell: Bool
let company: String // Insurance company name
let insuranceID: String // Code of offered insurance product
let cost: Double // base cost
let currency: String // base currency
let costCharge: Double // Cost converted into charged currency (presented currency)
let currencyCharge: String // the presented currency to the customer
let companyLogo: URL // a link to the company logo
let companyPolicyURL: URL // a link to the policy terms and conditions
let text: String // A marketing description of the insurance (markup)
class CTRentalInfo: NSObject (
let cost: Double // base cost
let currency: String // base currency
let customerCost: Double // cost in the currency of the customer
let customerCurrency: String // the presented currency to the customer
class CTAddress: NSObject (
let addressLine: String // Post address of location
let countryNameCode: String // 2 letter country code.
class CTLoyalty: NSObject (
let programId: String // Loyalty program ID
let points: NSNumber // Loyalty points earned
let number: String // Loyalty number
class CTSupplierBenefitDetails: NSObject (
let name: String // Rental company code
let xmlType: String // Rental company type
let codeType: String // Supplier benefit code type
let codeTypeText: String // Supplier benefit name
let rentalCompanyName: String // Rental company name
let code: String // Supplier benefit code