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CarTrawler Cash

CarTrawler Cash provides enhanced cash voucher merchandising throughout the booking flow.

Table of Contents
  1. Applying the theme
  2. SDK Initialisation with CashStyle

Applying the theme

Create a CTCashStyle object and set the theme properties:

let cashStyle = CTCashStyle()

cashStyle.textColor = UIColor(hex: 0xffffff) // Cash Primary Text Color
cashStyle.bgColor = UIColor(hex: 0x4BA4B5) // Cash Background Start Color
cashStyle.secondaryBgColor = UIColor(hex: 0x004958) // Cash Background End Color
cashStyle.accentTextColor = UIColor(hex: 0x1DAF90) // Cash Secondary Text Color

// Dark Mode colors
cashStyle.darkTextColor = UIColor(hex: 0x000000) // Cash Primary Text Color
cashStyle.darkBgColor = UIColor(hex: 0xffffff) // Cash Background Start Color
cashStyle.darkSecondaryBgColor = UIColor(hex: 0x002c52) // Cash Background End Color
cashStyle.darkAccentTextColor = UIColor(hex: 0x1DAF90) //  Cash Secondary Text Color

Then, set this cashStyle as your CTStyle object’s cashStyle property:

style.cashStyle = cashStyle

(For CTStyle sample code, click here)

If dark colors are not set, default CTCashStyle colors will be used.

For every logo you can provide a UIImage or an NSURL. All you need is to do is set the following properties:

cashStyle.smallLogoImage = UIImage(named: "small_logo") // Cash Small Logo
cashStyle.logoImage = UIImage(named: "logo") // Cash Logo
// To use NSURL properties, UIImage properties must not be set
cashStyle.smallLogoURL = URL(string: "") // Cash Small Logo
cashStyle.logoURL = URL(string: "") // Cash Logo
 // Dark Mode logos
cashStyle.darkSmallLogoImage = UIImage(named: "dark_small_logo") // Cash Small Logo
cashStyle.darkLogoImage = UIImage(named: "dark_logo") // Cash Logo
// To use NSURL properties, UIImage properties must not be set
cashStyle.darkSmallLogoURL = URL(string: "") // Cash Small Logo
cashStyle.darkLogoURL = URL(string: "") // Cash Logo

If logos are provided as UIImage, NSURL properties will be ignored.
If dark logos are not set, default CTCashStyle logos will be used.
If you don’t provide any attributes for the logo, the component that shows the logo will be hidden.

SDK Initialisation with CashStyle

After CTStyle has been configured with your cashStyle, pass it into the SDK during initialisation:

   style.cashStyle = cashStyle

   CarTrawlerSDK.sharedInstance().initialiseSDK(with: style,
                                 customParameters: nil,
                                 production: false)