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To add the CarTrawlerSDK to your app, you will need Cocoapods.


  1. Include the CarTrawler private spec repository in your podfile: source ‘’
  2. Include the pod in your podfile: pod 'CarTrawlerSDK'
  3. From the terminal, run: pod install.
source ''
source ''
platform :ios, '11.0'
target 'CarTrawlerPartner' do
  pod 'CarTrawlerSDK', '~> (add latest version here from Release Notes section)'

App Permissions

On the SDK’s Search Screen, we have added the option for users to search for vehicles using their current location upon tapping the pick-up location text field.

To make use of this feature, please ensure your plist file has the NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription key.

We will need to use this when asking for permission to use location services within your app if it has not already been granted.