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Supplier Benefits

On the vehicles list a banner may be shown to the user to allow them to apply some promo/discount codes. This banner can be customized as you wish as described below.

Table of Contents
  1. Applying the theme
  2. Fallback Colors
  3. SDK Initialisation with CTSupplierBenefitsStyle
  4. Autoenabling Supplier Benefits During SDK initialisation

Applying the theme

Create a CTSupplierBenefitsStyle object and set the theme properties:

let supplierBenefitsStyle = CTSupplierBenefitsStyle()

supplierBenefitsStyle.bgColor = UIColor(hex: 0x4BA4B5) // Banner background color
supplierBenefitsStyle.textColor = UIColor(hex: 0xffffff) // Banner text color
supplierBenefitsStyle.buttonBgColor = UIColor(hex: 0x004958) // Banner button background color
supplierBenefitsStyle.buttonTextColor = UIColor(hex: 0x1DAF90) // Banner button text color

// Dark Mode colors
supplierBenefitsStyle.darkBgColor = UIColor(hex: 0xffffff) // Banner dark mode background color
supplierBenefitsStyle.darkTextColor = UIColor(hex: 0x000000) // Banner dark mode text color
supplierBenefitsStyle.darkButtonBgColor = UIColor(hex: 0x002c52) // Banner dark mode button background color
supplierBenefitsStyle.darkButtonTextColor = UIColor(hex: 0x1DAF90) // Banner dark mode button text color

style.supplierBenefitsStyle = supplierBenefitsStyle

If dark colors are not set, default CTSupplierBenefitsStyle colors will be used.

For the logo url you can provide an URL. All you need to do is use the following attributes:

supplierBenefitsStyle.logoURL = URL(string: "") // Supplier benefit banner logo

 // Dark Mode logo
supplierBenefitsStyle.darkLogoURL = URL(string: "") // Supplier benefit dark mode banner logo

If dark logo is not set, default CTSupplierBenefitsStyle logo will be used.
If you don’t provide any attributes for the logo, the component that shows the logo will be hidden.

Fallback Colors

By default our CTStyle will use the following colors if partner doesn’t initialise them

supplierBenefitsStyle.bgColor -> CTStyle.primaryColor // CTStyle primary color
supplierBenefitsStyle.textColor -> CTStyle.themeColor // CTStyle text color. Light mode = white; Dark mode = black;
supplierBenefitsStyle.buttonBgColor -> CTStyle.ctaColor // CTStyle CTA color
supplierBenefitsStyle.buttonTextColor -> CTSTyle.ctaFontColor // CTStyle CTA font color

SDK Initialisation with CTSupplierBenefitsStyle

After CTStyle has been configured with your supplierBenefitsStyle, pass it into the SDK during initialisation:

   style.supplierBenefitsStyle = supplierBenefitsStyle

   CarTrawlerSDK.sharedInstance().initialiseSDK(with: style,
                                 customParameters: nil,
                                 production: false)

Autoenabling Supplier Benefits During SDK initialisation

The supplierBenefitAutoApplied property of the CTContext class allows Partners to opt in to apply ALL automatic codes that can be applied for suppliers during initialisation the SDK. It is optional.

let context = CTContext(implementationID: "your implementation ID", 
                              clientID: "your client ID", 
                              flow: .standAlone)
context.supplierBenefitAutoApplied = true
CarTrawlerSDK.sharedInstance().present(from: self, context: context)