Booking Reservations
Car rental booking reservations can be fetched using the CartrawlerSDK.requestReservationDetails
Calling CartrawlerSDK.requestReservationDetails
method will trigger a request to get the booking reservation, the following parameters should be provided to the function:
- Context,
- CTReservationRequestData,
- CTRequestReservationListener
val requestData = CTReservationRequestData(
clientId = "<your_client_id>",
reservationId = "IE123456789",
reservationUserId = "", // resUid (reservation user id) can be used instead
context = this,
paramsData = requestData,
requestReservationListener = object : CTRequestReservationListener {
override fun onNoResults() {
/* do what you need here */
override fun onError(connectionError: CartrawlerSDK.ConnectionError) {
/* do what you need here */
override fun onReceiveReservationDetails(reservationDetails: ReservationDetails) {
/* do what you need here */
These properties can be found in the ReservationDetails
object that is returned upon successful completion of the standalone flow, on onActivityForResult
e.g. getStringExtra(CartrawlerSDK.RESERVATION)
The reservations object takes the following form:
data class ReservationDetails (
val status: String,// In this scernario it will be confirmed
val givenName: String, // first name
val surname: String, // Surname
val resId: String, // Reservation ID
val resuid: String, // resuid, use this along with the resId to retrieve the booking later
val pickUpDateTime: String, //The date & time of pick-up
val returnDateTime: String, //The date & time of pick-up
val pickupLocation: LocationDetails, //Location details of pick-up
val returnLocation: LocationDetails, //Location details of pick-up
val insurance: Insurance, // Insurance, null if none attached
val rentalInfo: RentalInfo, // Information on reservation costs
val vehicle: VehicleDetails
) // Information on the selected vehicle
data class LocationDetails (
val atAirport: Boolean, // Location at Airport? (boolean)
val iataCode: String, // IATA Code (if airport)
val code: Int, // Unique Location Code (code type is internal to CarTrawler)
val name: String, // Text description of location
val address: Address, // Postal address of location
val phoneNumber: String // Vendor contact number
data class Insurance (
val company: String, // Insurance company name
val id: String, // Code of offered insurance product
val cost: Double, // base cost
val currency: String, // base currency
val createDate: String, // date insurance was purchased
val costCharge: Double, // Cost converted into charged currency (presented currency)
val currencyCharge: String, // the presented currency to the customer
val companyLogo: String, // a link to the company logo
val companyPolicyURL: String, // a link to the policy terms and conditions
val text: String, // A marketing description of the insurance (markup)
data class RentalInfo (
val cost: Double, // base cost
val currency: String, // base currency
val customerCost: Double, // /cost in the currency of the customer
val customerCurrency: String // the presented currency to the customer
data class Address (
val addressLine: String, // Post adddress of location
val countryNameCode: String // 2 letter country code.
data class VehicleDetails(
//OTA values
val referenceId: String,
val name: String,
val orSimilar: String,
val code: String,
val vehicleAssetNumber: String,
val pictureURL: String,
val passengerQuantity: Int,
val doorCount: Int?,
val baggageQuantity: Int,
val fuelType: String,
val driveType: String,
val airConditionInd: Boolean,
val transmissionType: String,
val size: String,
val supplier: String,
val supplierRating: Double,
val supplierImageURL: String,
//Widget localization values
val passengersText: String,
val baggageText: String?,
val doorsCountText: String,
val transmissionText: String,
val categoryText: String,
val sizeText: String,
val price: Double,
val pricePerDay: Double,
val currencyCode: String