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Recent Searches

We expose recent searches made within the SDK via our recentSearches API. Recent searches can also be cleared or removed individually, and this will be reflected in the SDK as well.

Table of Contents
  1. Setup
  2. Fetching Recent Searches
  3. Removing Recent Searches
  4. Clearing Recent Searches


Initialise our CTRecentSearchRepository class as follows:

val context = this.applicationContext
val executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()
val repository = CTRecentSearchRepository(context, executor)

Fetching Recent Searches

To fetch the top 3 recent searches we will expose the result in a callback as follows:

repository.recentSearches(object : CTRecentSearchListener {
    override fun onSuccess(list: List<CTRecentSearchData>) {
        /* do what you need here */

    override fun onError(message: String) {
        /* do what you need here */

Removing Recent Searches

To remove a recent search you must pass in the created date of the recent search item

repository.removeRecentSearch(createdAt = <created_date_here>)

Clearing Recent Searches

To remove all recent searches call the function as follows:
