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Reservation Retrieval from Standalone

When the SDK booking flow finishes it gives the control back to its consumer, so the app consuming the SDK should override the method onActivityResult in order to get the data related to the reservation details.

The process is pretty simple as it follows the Android development standards to get results back from one activity to another.

Remember when we called the method CartrawlerSDK.start in the implementation steps? The second argument is called requestCode and we’ll need it in two different places:

  1. When starting the Standalone flow;
  2. Getting the reservation details data after finishing the booking flow;

YOUR_REQUEST_CODE_HERE is an Integer user-defined constant used in two places as follows:

Starting the Standalone flow:

    activity = this,
    requestCode = YOUR_REQUEST_CODE_HERE,
    ctSdkData =,
    flow = Standalone()

Getting the reservation details:

override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
    if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
        if (requestCode == YOUR_REQUEST_CODE_HERE) {
            val reservationData = data?.getParcelableExtra<ReservationDetails>(CartrawlerSDK.RESERVATION_DETAILS)
            // do what you need with the ReservationDetails object

The ReservationDetails Object and its dependencies are defined as following:

data class ReservationDetails (
   // In this scenario it will be CONFIRMED
   val status: String,
   val givenName: String,
   val surname: String,
   val resId: String,
   val resuid: String,
   val clientId: String,
   val pickUpDateTime: GregorianCalendar,
   val returnDateTime: GregorianCalendar,
   val pickupLocation: LocationDetails,
   val returnLocation: LocationDetails, 
   // Insurance, null if none attached
   val insurance: Insurance, 
   // Information on reservation costs
   val rentalInfo: RentalInfo, 
   // Information on selected vehicle
   val vehicle: VehicleDetails,
   // Loyalty membership id and program name
   var custLoyalty: CustLoyalty? = null,
   var supplierBenefitCodesApplied: Set<SupplierBenefitCodeApplied>? = null

data class LocationDetails (
   // Determines if the location is at airport
   val atAirport: Boolean, 
   // IATA Code
   val iataCode: String,  
   // Unique Location Code (code type is internal to CarTrawler)
   val code: Int,  
   // Text description of location
   val name: String, 
   // Postal address of location
   val address: Address, 
   // Vendor contact number
   val phoneNumber: String

data class Insurance (
   // Insurance company name
   val company: String, 
   // Code of offered insurance product
   val id: String, 
   // Base cost
   val cost: Double, 
   // Base currency
   val currency: String, 
   // Date insurance was purchased
   val createDate: String, 
   // Cost converted into charged currency (presented currency)
   val costCharge: Double, 
   // The presented currency to the customer
   val currencyCharge: String,
   // A link to the company logo
   val companyLogo: String, 
   // A link to the policy terms and conditions
   val companyPolicyURL: String, 
   // A marketing description of the insurance (markup)
   val text: String

data class RentalInfo (
   // Base cost
   val cost: Double, 
   // Currency (base currency is EUR)
   val currency: String, 
   // Cost in the currency of the customer
   val customerCost: Double, 
   // The presented currency to the customer
   val customerCurrency: String 

data class Address (
   // Post address of location
   val addressLine: String, 
   // 2 letter country code.
   val countryNameCode: String

data class VehicleDetails(
   val referenceId: String,
   val name: String,
   val orSimilar: String,
   val code: String,
   val vehicleAssetNumber: String,
   val pictureURL: String,
   val passengerQuantity: Int,
   val doorCount: Int?,
   val baggageQuantity: Int,
   val fuelType: String,
   val driveType: Stringl,
   val airConditionInd: Boolean,
   val transmissionType: String,
   val size: String,
   val supplier: String,
   val supplierRating: Double,
   val supplierImageURL: String,
   val passengersText: String,
   val baggageText: String?,
   val doorsCountText: String,
   val transmissionText: String,
   val categoryText: String,
   val sizeText: String,
   val price: Double,
   val pricePerDay: Double,
   val currencyCode: String

data class CustLoyalty(
   val membershipID: String? = null, 
   val programID: String? = null,
   val pointsEarned: String? = null

data class SupplierBenefitCodeApplied(
    val name: String,
    val xmlType: String,
    val codeType: String,
    val codeTypeText: String,
    val rentalCompanyName: String,
    val code: String