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Migrate from 13.2 and below to 14.0.2

  1. Common
  2. Start Standalone
  3. Start In Path


This common steps needs to be done independent of which flow you are going to use In Path or Standalone.
On previous versions of CarTrawlerSDK everything was done using CartrawlerSDK.Builder(), now we’ve broken down into 2 main components:

  • CartrawlerSDK
  • CTSdkData

We need to call CartrawlerSDK.init passing an implementationID and the environment you want to initialise the SDK, we recommend adding this into your Application class since it won’t change often.

val partnerImplementationID = "your-implementation-id-here"
val environment = CTSdkEnvironment.DEVELOPMENT // CTSdkEnvironment.PRODUCTION

CartrawlerSDK.init(partnerImplementationID, environment)

Don’t forget to use CTSdkEnvironment.PRODUCTION when submitting your app to the Play Store.

We then need to setup some data needed to start the sdk using CTSdkData.Builder it requires a clientId to be passed.

val sdkDataClientIdXYZ = CTSdkData.Builder(clientId = clientId)
    .country(twoLetterISOCountry = "IE")
    .currency(currency = "EUR")
    // check Property Descriptions link down below to see all available properties

Optional properties

The CTSdkData builder also has some optional properties that can be passed in during initialisation to use and/or display certain features, you can check the following for all properties available:

Property Descriptions (Standalone)

Property Descriptions (In Path)

Start Standalone

On SDK 13.2 and below we used to initialise some properties using CartrawlerSDK.Builder() and then call one of its start methods like startRentalStandalone to start the SDK flow and present its screen. Now to present the SDK we only need to call CartrawlerSDK.start passing the following parameters:

Used to start our SDK’s internal activity using startActivityForResult;

Used to start our SDK’s internal activity using startActivityForResult and later on by the consumer app in the onActivityResult method;

Builder with some data to initialise the SDK like clientID, currency and country;

For standalone flow is CTSdkFlow.Standalone();

    activity = this,
    requestCode = YOUR_REQUEST_CODE_HERE,
    ctSdkData =,
    flow = CTSdkFlow.Standalone()

CTSdkFlow.Standalone() accepts a parameter called navigateTo of type CTStandaloneNavigation you can check Standalone Navigation Types for more details and learn how to change the first screen being shown in the SDK.

Start In Path

On SDK 13.2 and below we used to initialise some properties using CartrawlerSDK.Builder() and then call one of its start methods like startRentalInPath to start the SDK flow and present its screen. Now to present the SDK we only need to call CartrawlerSDK.start passing the following parameters:

Used to start our SDK’s internal activity using startActivityForResult;

Used to start our SDK’s internal activity using startActivityForResult and later on by the consumer app in the onActivityResult method;

Builder with some data to initialise the SDK like clientID, currency and country;

For In Path flow is CTSdkFlow.InPath();

// updating object previously defined in the Common section
    .pickupDateTime(LocalDateTime.of(2023, 5, 10, 10, 0))
    .dropOffDateTime(LocalDateTime.of(2023, 5, 15, 10, 0))

    activity = this,
    requestCode = YOUR_REQUEST_CODE_HERE,
    ctSdkData =,
    flow = CTSdkFlow.InPath()

CTSdkFlow.InPath() accepts a parameter called navigateTo of type CTInPathNavigation you can check In Path Navigation Types for more details and learn how to change the first screen being shown in the SDK.