To add the CarTrawlerSDK to your app, add our maven repository and enter your artifactory credentials.
Table of Contents
Maven & Artifactory Repository
Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) before 7.0
You should add the following repository into you root build.gradle file:
repositories {
maven {
url ""
credentials {
username = "your_username_here"
password = "your_password_here"
Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) 7+
You should add the following repository into you settings.gradle file:
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
credentials {
username = "your_username_here"
password = "your_password_here"
allowInsecureProtocol = true
Getting Credentials
If you do not have these credentials contact your manager, IT, or another developer in your team.
Adding the Dependency to your App
Add the CarTrawler dependency to build.gradle. Please use the version number sent to you by CarTrawler.
implementation "$latestVersion"
We use semantic versioning to define the SDK version number, so the version number will always follow the pattern major.minor.patch, eg: 1.0.0
Create a theme that extends the CTDayNightTheme
. Please refer to the theme section for further details.
App Permissions
On the SDK’s Search Screen, we have added the option for users to search for vehicles using their current location upon tapping the pick-up location EditText.
To make use of this feature, please ensure your Manifest has either the ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION
We will need to use this when asking for permission to use location services within your app if it has not already been granted.
Java 8+ API desugaring support
On the SDK we make use of the java.time
APIs to deal with date and time, if your app minSdkVersion
is set to a version lower than 26 you’ll need to enable Java 8+ API desugaring support.
To do that just add the code into your project level build.gradle
file as follows:
android {
defaultConfig {
// Required when setting minSdkVersion to 20 or lower
multiDexEnabled true
compileOptions {
// Flag to enable support for the new language APIs
coreLibraryDesugaringEnabled true
// Sets Java compatibility to Java 8
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
// For Kotlin projects
kotlinOptions {
jvmTarget = "1.8"
dependencies {
coreLibraryDesugaring ''