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The colour of the background, text, and icon on our loyalty components can be changed to fit in with your app’s loyalty program branding. Loyalty components include banners as well as specific loyalty chips. See more on the components section of our style guide.

Table of Contents
  1. Theme Defaults
  2. Dark mode defaults
  3. CTLoyaltyTheme
  4. Applying the Theme
  5. Loyalty Chip Size
  6. Loyalty Banner Landing Screen

Similar to SDK theming, if you are changing the background colour to a dark background (and configuring the loyalty program as a dark theme), it is recommended you change the text and icon colour to a lighter colour for legibility. The SDK will change the Loyalty Program logo automatically for the loyalty dark theme and light theme.

Theme Defaults

The default is light and theme values are as follows:

Primary Color#eeeef3 #e5ebed
Primary Text Color#333333 #333333
Secondary Color#FFFFFF #FFFFFF
Secondary Text Color#FFFFFF #000000
Secondary Variant ColorDefaults to Secondary Color attribute

Dark mode defaults

The default is dark and theme values are as follows:

Primary Color#000000 #000000
Primary Text Color#FFFFFF #FFFFFF
Secondary Color#1E1E1E #1E1E1E
Secondary Text Color#FFFFFF #FFFFFF
Secondary Variant ColorDefaults to Secondary Color attribute


Light Theme

Apply light to apply a dark logo for the light theme.

Dark Theme

Apply dark to apply a light (white) logo for the dark theme

Applying the Theme

Override the following properties in your SDK theme

<style name="CarTrawlerSDKTheme" parent="CTDayNightTheme" >
    <item name="ctLoyaltyPrimaryColor">@color/loyaltyPrimaryColor</item>
    <item name="ctLoyaltyPrimaryTextColor">@color/loyaltyPrimaryTextColor</item>
    <item name="ctLoyaltySecondaryColor">@color/loyaltySecondaryColor</item>
    <item name="ctLoyaltySecondaryColorText">@color/loyaltySecondaryColorText</item>
    <item name="ctLoyaltyTheme">dark</item> // Either "dark" or "light" Default is "light"
    <item name="ctLoyaltyChipSize">regular</item> // Either "regular" or "large" Default is "regular"

Loyalty Chip Size

The chip’s height can also be increased if your logo requires more padding. The default size of the chip is regular.

This can be changed to large as follows:

<style name="CarTrawlerSDKTheme" parent="CTDayNightTheme" >
    <item name="ctLoyaltyChipSize">regular</item> // Either "regular" or "large" Default is "regular"

Loyalty Banner Landing Screen

The template of the loyalty banner on the landing screen can be modified. There are two templates available “Default” and “Logo & Text”. The latter is a full width text with a central logo and an optional gradient background.

The Logo & Text template can be styled as follows:

Create a style for the banner:

    <style name="ctLoyaltyLandingBannerStyle">
        <item name="ctBannerTemplate">logoAndTextBanner</item> // Either "defaultBanner" or "logoAndText". Default is "defaultBanner"
        <item name="ctBannerBackgroundColor">?colorPrimary</item> // Defaults to the theme's colorPrimary
        <item name="ctBannerSecondaryBackgroundColor">?colorSecondary</item> // Defaults to the theme's colorSecondary
        <item name="ctBannerTextColor">@android:color/white</item> // Defaults to Android's white color
        <item name="ctBannerInfoButtonColor">@android:color/white</item> // Defaults to Android's white color
        <item name="ctBannerImageDrawable">@drawable/your_logo</item> // If not set, it retrieves it from the Loyalty API
        <item name="ctBannerFont"> // Optional custom font

Add the new style to the theme:

<style name="CarTrawlerSDKTheme" parent="CTDayNightTheme" >
    <item name="ctLoyaltyLandingBannerStyle">@style/ctLoyaltyLandingBannerStyle</item> 